Friday, December 19, 2008

Bad Dreams

I hate when you have dreams and the people who are in it are familiar in the dream, but once you wake up you have no idea who they are. Its like their faces are blurred out or you may have never looked them in the eye throughout the dream so you therefore never saw the face, which means that you can't remember who it was without remembering their voice and mannerisms. This happens fairly often, in my dreams and others.

I can be at a party cuddling with the same person all night but when I wake up and try to think of who it was, I can't remember for the life of me.

My dream last night was sorta cool, to start with. My family and I were at this field that we apparently owned, and in this field was a gorgeous lake where we could vacation and relax and forget about the world. I left the lake to go into the city for the afternoon, which was a cross between California and Venice, and hung out with a man who is a blur and a girl i went to high school with named Katie. The reason I say Venice is because we were sitting on a bridge that served as a walkway over a 'street'.

While I was here talking to my friends, another friend from work came up and acted really concerned and sat next to me, and told me softly that my dad was killed. A stranger had shown up at the lake, they trusted him and let him stay, and he was apparently strapped with bombs, and blew himself up. The only one to die was my dad.

I began to mourn in my dream. I remembered how gruff he is at times, compared to his moments of sweetness and love. Speaking to him on the phone where he addresses me as honey and tells me he loves me. Knowing that I'll never speak to him again at all, and hear him sound like that when he says goodbye, and be careful.

That's when my sister woke me up. I'm pretty sure I was crying when I woke up, but either way, it was the first thing I did when I sat up. I continued to mourn the dream death of my father, and then remember that nothing happened and got ready for the day.

Later I was listening to the radio and a song came on that had no words. The classic rock station is pretty good with playing songs for their amazing ness instead of catchy radio spot-ness. So instead of the usual catchy phrase songs that play on top 40 stations, I got this song that was based on the guitar playing. I've always loved music for music, so I really appreciated it and even thought, Wow, who is this?

Turns out it was Stevie Ray Vaughan, who is one of my father's favorite musicians. We have bonded many a time over music, so to hear this song today really made me misty, so I called my dad to tell him how neat it was to hear that song and think of him.

He naturally said it was cool, then asked me to run to the store for him before it closed. And he didn't forget to say, 'Thanks, honey. I'll see you later. Be careful.'

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