I'm sure this is topic is tired out already, but I am so disturbed by the Austin man who flew a plane into the IRS building. I read his manifesto and it's terrible, but I know at least a few people who share his feelings. The thing is, I was having a conversation with a colleague at my school newspaper, and I mentioned that Stack's daughter called him a hero. This man responded, 'He is.' I basically told him, What?! He said that he actually is because he did something he believed in. My response was, "If you're going to complain about something, either stop complaining and get used to things, or stop complaining and actually do something about it." To which this guy replied, "He DID do something about it!" My only response was, "I mean do something besides killing people who had nothing to do with your problems! Those people were just doing their jobs."
It's just frustrating because I know that some people are anti government, and I get it, but still. You don't kill people. That is not how people are born and raised. Maybe if you were going to war or lived in an old society, but not for tax problems. That's just lame.
People need to stay positive. That's the only way to get through. Forget about people like Stack, then find people at risk of this behavior and see if you can help them with their problems.
I just hate that this man decided to act in such a way that echoes one of the most terrible events in the country's history. Why echo 9/11? He wasn't just setting up a body count, he was trying to scare the shit out of people so they would have to deal with his problems.