Sunday, November 14, 2010

My brother

I know he has his problem, but he's my brother. He has the silly laugh that sounds like his voice is cracking. He'll help me with anything heavy or high up, because he's the only boy. He has tried to do many things for us, especially back in the day. One of the coolest things I can remember of him is when he was working at Spaghetti Warehouse and he bought us all great presents. He bought me a yellow discman and it was sooo cool. I still have it, and sometimes, friends will see it and ask, Why on earth do you still have that thing? And there are 2 reasons: 1: my brother gave it to me because he knew I loved music, possibly more than the other siblings. 2: I want to show to my kids. I need to save batteries and cd's so I can tell them it still works whenever this occurs.

I want David to be a part of my life for a long time, like my cd player. I want everyone to find their place and part in life, with or without a husband or wife. I want us all to find what we can that makes us happy and be healthy, and what I think would be a comfortable spot in life. When I'm forty, I want to talk to my big brother about my kids.

It's odd, to feel nostalgic about the future. Maybe it's nostalgia for the past, from seeing my parents' families. But in my thoughts, the future is better informed. Maybe that's what I'm overlooking. With all the information I have about my siblings, is this comfortable idealistic dream realistic? Or am I looking at the past with false memories or notions, thinking that they know all they need to and are still happy?

I know he can accomplish anything. He just needs to find what it is that he wants to succeed at.
I love you, David.

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